One of the primary techniques used by chiropractic physicians to decrease pain and improve function is known as spinal mobilization or manipulation, also called an adjustment. During an examination, your doctor will palpate (feel) for areas of restricted motion in the spine and other joints of the body. When some joints aren't moving as they should, others take over and do more of the work, which can cause them to become irritated and painful. Upon finding areas of restricted motion, the doctor will perform a gentle adjustment to allow the joint to move properly again. Joint mobilization is always accompanied by other therapies (heat, stretching, etc.) to ensure that your treatment is effective as possible.
Adjusting techniques that we use in our office include Diversified Technique, Drop Technique, Flexion/Distraction Technique, Instrument-Assisted adjusting and more. If you have questions about any of these techniques or what to expect, please give us a call.